Jason Embry
Jason is a nuclear machinist mate in the United States Navy. He has degrees in English and Philosophy from the University of Kentucky. When he’s not busy being a husband, a dad, and a sailor, he’s an author. Jason’s written several short stories and is currently working on his first novel.
Jennifer Embry
Jennifer is the proud stay-at-home mom of two amazing little girls. After high school, she served in the Navy as a nuclear machinist mate. Then, the Navy sent her to Kansas where she was able to get a degree in Chemistry. While in school, she discovered a love of teaching and has the ultimate dream of teaching high school chemistry. Jen is an avid runner and author of the slightly popular blog, KUrunner. An activist, she supports gay rights, natural birth, and breastfeeding. When she has time, she loves to read and play video games.
Kaelin Thomas
Kaelin is a wonderful eight year old. She excels at school making the honor roll and winning numerous awards. Outside of class, she enjoys singing, reading, and video games.
Harper Embry
Harper may only be four months old, but already she has a strong personality. She is an incredibly healthy and happy baby who loves attention. She’s physically advanced for her age and pediatricians are sure she’ll be walking early. She’s almost crawling!