Monday, April 12, 2010

Yes, They are Boobs

I was a bit early picking Kaelin up from school today.  Harper started fussing so I decided to feed her.  We found a shady spot under a tree near the parking lot and I lifted my shirt.  Harper latched on immediately and I was happily nursing when two other moms came up to me.  Here I was, thinking that maybe they were going to tell me how cute the baby was or some other small talk like that.


They not so kindly informed me that breastfeeding was not appropriate in public, especially at a school where the kids might see.

Oh the horror!  You’re kids might actually see how babies were meant to be fed and how they’ve been fed for thousands and thousands of years.


Honestly, I was a bit surprised.  I mean, these women have children.  They know where babies come from.  What’s the big deal?  It’s not like I was stripping on the playground.  There was barely any skin visible anyways.  So, I turned to the moms, gave them my big PTO Vice President smile and said…

I corupt ur kidz wit my pron

“Yes, they are boobs and yes, they are for feeding babies.  If you don’t like it, put a blanket over your head.”

Okay, so I probably should have been a bit nicer, because when they walked away, I heard the word bitch being tossed around.  Whatever.  It’s not like I haven’t been called that before.  But I guess I really upset them, because when I got home I had a message from the acting principal.  Breastfeeding in public is NOT illegal nor does the school have any right to prohibit me from nursing on school grounds.

SC State Law 63-5-40: Breastfeeding. (A) A woman may breastfeed her child in any location where the mother and her child are authorized to be. (B) Breastfeeding a child in a location where the mother is authorized to be is not considered indecent exposure.

So, yeah.  He asked me to be a bit more discrete and I asked that if parents have a problem with it, kindly tell them not to look.  The subject was dropped yet I don’t imagine I would be reelected for PTO next year (assuming I wasn’t pulling Kaelin’s rear out of this crappy excuse for a school district.)

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