Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm Ba-ack!

Hello, all!  After an unplanned hiatus, I'm back and blogging.  Lots of updates will be coming in the next few weeks as I have time, but first... a quick explanation as to my absence.

I went on vacation.  My mom's internet is worse than dial-up.  While I can check facebook from my phone, I wasn't about to write a post using a touch screen.

Harper's crawling.  She's been crawling for over a month, but now she's really getting around.  I swear, I can't put her down for two seconds without her finding something she shouldn't have.  We've done preliminary babyproofing, but not enough that she can safely crawl around while I play on the internet. 

Yeah, it's been that sort of month. 

Playstation controllers go in the mouth, right?


  1. Oh, I remember that stage! Then it got WORSE when Brooke started walking! Now I chase her all over the creation and find her getting into all sorts of things.

    I LOVE the name Harper :) I'm your newest follower by the way!


  2. Welcome, Lori! I'm not sure what I'm going to do when Harps starts pulling up. Maybe lock her in a closet? :-)


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