Thursday, July 8, 2010

Battle of the Lawn

"Are you going to mow the lawn this weekend?"

"No, I was going to wait.  It doesn't need it yet."

"Fine, I'll mow the yard this weekend."

"No, that's my job."

"What?  I can't mow the yard because I have boobs?"

"No, you can't mow the lawn because you work so hard inside the house, it's the least I can do."

"So, you're going to mow the yard this weekend?  And the sidewalks need edged too.  I can do that while you mow."

"Yeah, I'll take care of it, and I'll edge the sidewalks too."

"Promise you're going to do it?  We'll get a fine from the housing office if you don't."

"Yeah, I'll do it."

So guess what I got in the mail today?  If you said, definitely not a notice from the housing office for having an unkempt yard because you're wonderful husband has been saying he'll take care of it for the past three months, you'd be wrong.

I guess I'll be the one outside tomorrow in 100 degree heat edging the stupid sidewalk.

This is what my yard should look like.  That is, if I didn't have a lazy, chauvinistic husband.


  1. haha This sounds just like the convo I had with my husband about our yard!
    The housing office is pretty brutal here- they actually take pictures of your yard to show your supervisor as proof!

  2. @Emily Roe -- We just moved in this year, so honestly, I wasn't sure how strict they were going to be. And it's so weird, because the hubby is usually pretty enlightened about "men's work."


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