Saturday, July 3, 2010

Counting Down

11 days...

I can make it 11 more days, right?

I'm going on vacation (sorta)!  I'm not sure if it's really a vacation if you are just going to your mom's house and sleeping on the couch, but I'm excited to see my family.

Okay, you caught me. 

My parent's have a pool.  A really, really nice pool.  Like big enough to do laps in pool.  In fact, the first thing my dad said about my wedding reception photos was about how the photographer didn't get the pool in all the pictures.

Kaelin and her Uncle Joe

But I am excited to see them too.  First, my sister-in-law is pregnant with my first little niece or nephew (I'm thinking boy).  It will be nice to be the one doing the spoiling for a change.  Second, I'll get to see my sister!  I haven't seen her since Christmas.  She hasn't even met Harper yet.  Plus, my parents are taking us to Hershey Park.  I'm not really into theme parks, and I'm not really looking forward to having Harper in the heat all day, but neither my dad nor my sister's boyfriend do rides, so at least I won't be alone. 

And the running trails.  My parents live less than a mile from a Civil War battleground that has tons of trails and hills and trees and streams.  I trained for my half-marathon on those trails.  I've peed behind those trees.  So excited!

Plus, I'm getting a new tattoo (hopefully).  And new running shoes (hopefully).  And my hair did (hopefully).  My gosh, I need a haircut. 

I'm also going to go to Solomons and see all my friends!  Some of these people I haven't seen in 10 years.  I haven't been back to Maryland since I joined the Navy and I'm excited to see how much it's changed (especially since Jason and I might Navy-retire there).  I hear there's even a Starbucks.

Oh snap, my mom lives like 3 minutes from Starbucks.  There isn't even a Starbucks in my current town.  Mmm... cappucino goodness.

Of course, most of my plans depend on whether my stupid bank ever sends me my stupid check.  (I refuse to spend paycheck money on myself while we're in debt.)  They've been telling me, "Next week, next week" for almost two months now.  "Ma'am, you don't have to keep calling us.  We'll contact you."  If we were at Burger King, they would have spit in my food.

And Five Guys.  My parents live right down the street from Five Guys.

Anyways, can you tell I'm excited?

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