Harper finally had her 6 month check-up today. She's 17 lbs and 26 inches, 60th percentile for both height and weight. I was a bit concerned that she's down from the 75th percentile for weight, but the doc assured me that it's just because she's crawling. Apparently babies tend to have a dip when they start moving around. She loves that Harper's still breastfed and LOVED our cute little cloth diapers. All in all, we have a very happy, healthy baby. Not so much as a single fever or ear infection since she's been born.
Cheap velcro and leaking -- FUN |
As far as those cute little gDiapers go, I'm having mixed feelings. I've had a couple questions about them, so I definitely want to talk about them in more depth, but anyone thinking about them may want to hold off.
Kaelin started homeschooling last Monday. Overall, I think it's going to work well for us. There's a little bit of an adjustment on both our parts, but I think she's learned more in a week than she did in a month at Marrington. She's loving Latin and she's getting a lot more out of her Bible readings than I thought she would. I'm going to start doing a weekly recap of everything she's learning once we get out of the review stuff.
I started my fall vegetable garden. While this might not sound all that impressive, I've never had the green thumb that the rest of my family has. I mean, I lived on a freaking farm. My dad was a farmer and I can't even have a houseplant. Yet, vegetables are expensive and it would be great if I knew how to grow my own food for when the apocalypse comes and I can't just mosey down to Publix. My Brussels sprouts aren't looking too hot, but my zucchini are magnificent. I mean, they're only sprouts right now, but they haven't died yet. Win! If I even get one little cherry tomato out of this thing, I'll consider it a success!
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Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, and zucchini! |
I, being a former nuke, told him to suck it up and stop failing because if he gets sent to Guam, he's going alone.
Ok, maybe I wasn't quite so blunt. But I did tell him that the Navy's his job and he needs to do whatever he needs to do to not screw up at work even if it means chugging coffee for 12 hours. Then I reminded him that it's not the end of the world if he doesn't get staff as long as they don't send him to welding school. Welding school is in Groton and only 3 months long so we wouldn't get to go with him if they made him go there. I'm sorry, but I'm not spending 12 weeks in this craphole without my husband.
I feel bad that he's had such a shitty experience with the boat being down practically the whole time while his friends in New York were able to board weeks ago. Oh well.
Let's see... what else? I got my first official check from the magazine I write for. My article should be out in the November issue so I'll probably spend that first check buying magazines that prove I'm an official writer. Oh, and I totally fit into my old pants (KUrunner desperately needs an update). Yay me, again!